G@G Guided Discussion #3 (Option B)

Dominican Sisters Gathering Space 1520 Grand Avenue, San Rafael, CA

Guided Discussion via Zoom/in-person (Option B) REGISTER Option B will be different than in past iterations. The group assembling will be guided by a new study of Martin Luther King:

G@G Guided Discussion #1 (Option B)

Dominican Sisters Gathering Space 1520 Grand Avenue, San Rafael, CA

Guided Discussion via Zoom/in-person (Option B) REGISTER Option B will be different than in past iterations. The group assembling will be guided by a new study of Martin Luther King:

G@G Lincoln Lectures: From the Backwoods to the White House

Dominican Sisters Gathering Space 1520 Grand Avenue, San Rafael, CA

REGISTER 2 lectures! November 1 & 15, 2023 10:30-noon The Gathering Space Mick Chantler, Instructor Lincoln’s Journey: From the Backwoods to the White House In our first talk, we will

G@G Guided Discussion #4 (Option B)

Dominican Sisters Gathering Space 1520 Grand Avenue, San Rafael, CA

Guided Discussion via Zoom/in-person (Option B) REGISTER Option B will be different than in past iterations. The group assembling will be guided by a new study of Martin Luther King:

Synod Prayer Service

Dominican Sisters Gathering Space 1520 Grand Avenue, San Rafael, CA

  REGISTER All are welcome to join the Sisters in a special prayer service in solidarity with people from around the world on the same day that Pope Francis is

Gather @ Grand: Complexities of Color

Dominican Sisters Gathering Space 1520 Grand Avenue, San Rafael, CA

REGISTER In-Person or via Zoom! A special presentation on how whiteness has shaped the humanity of white people and distorted the national promise of liberty, freedom, and equal opportunity. In

Friends of the Sisters—Be a Voice for Synodality

Dominican Sisters Gathering Space 1520 Grand Avenue, San Rafael, CA

REGISTER http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=xe47qp4ab&oeidk=a07eka9weldef49b420 The Synod on Synodality is a three-year process of listening and dialogue that began on October 9, 2021, and will continue into October 2024 and beyond. Pope Francis

OPartner Earth Day Gathering

Dominican Sisters Gathering Space 1520 Grand Avenue, San Rafael, CA

OPartner Earth Day Gathering You are Invited to an OPartner Earth Day Gathering Monday, April 22, 2024 Dominican Sisters Gathering Space 1520 Grand Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 Come by between 11 am–1 pm Join our OPartners to celebrate two years of shared effort and learning as we anticipate a fresh initiative soon! –Enjoy a

Jubilee 2024 Eucharistic Celebration

Angelico Hall 50 Acacia Ave, San Rafael, CA

Please join us for a Jubilee Eucharistic Celebration on Saturday, July 20, 2024, at 1 pm. Our special liturgy will take place in Angelico Hall on the Dominican University campus

Friends of the Sisters—with Sr. Cyndie Cammack

Dominican Sisters Gathering Space 1520 Grand Avenue, San Rafael, CA

REGISTER Let’s talk about the ‘taboo’ topic of death—including planning for it, being with others in this time, resource sharing, and sharing of stories. Death is a reality in our
