Social Justice
We are inspired by our Mission and Vision Statements and guided by The Seven Principles of Catholic Social Teaching: Life and Dignity of the Human Person, Call to Family, Community and Participation, Rights and Responsibilities, Option for the Poor and Vulnerable, The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers, Solidarity, and Care for God’s Creation.
Our Promoters of Justice, Peace, and Care of Creation are our resource persons. Through weekly updates, reflections, prayers, and action alerts on emergent issues, our promoters keep us informed on issues of justice and encourage our active engagement for social change. In addition, our promoters offer presentations and training sessions in collaboration with organizations and institutions outside of our congregation and serve as liaisons for the congregation with local, regional and national organizations.
As members of the North American Dominican Promoters of Justice, Peace and Care of Creation, they attend national and regional conferences and meetings and promote the Dominican Call to Justice. For 2017-2019 the call highlights the following areas: Migration and Immigration, Human Trafficking, Peace and Security for all Life, Climate Justice, and Economic Justice.
Since 1981 we have taken five public stances on justice issues that we determined were critical, and have endorsed the Earth Charter adopted by the UN in 2000. We publish an annual activity report compiling our Mission and Vision Statements, our Corporate Stances, the Dominican Call to Justice, and the Earth Charter, and how we put them into action.
Join us on #justiceOPportunity Thursdays
Every Thursday our Co-Promoters of Promoters of Justice, Peace, and Care of Creation put forth an action item. We hope you will join us in taking action. Follow on our webpage and/or on social media.
“Dominic reclaimed the balance between the zeal that kept Jesus and his disciples on the road bringing God’s ‘good news to the poor’ and the supportive love that bonded them
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