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Become a Friend

We invite you to become part of our growing community of friends. It’s a way to get involved firsthand with the Dominican Sisters in social and environmental causes you feel passionate about.

Speaking Truth to Power

We speak the truth as a congregation on issues of human rights, social justice and nonviolence, such as:

  • Elimination of Nuclear Weapons
  • Ending the Death Penalty
  • Immigration Reform
  • Against Human Trafficking
  • Sanctuary for Refugees
  • Women’s Rights

These critical issues of our times are not adopted lightly by our Congregation. They are voted upon after much study, discussion and reflection.  Friends are introduced to the deep knowledge and focused efforts that the Sisters bring to each vital issue. You can become part of the on-going preparation of thought-leading messages, preaching and peaceful protests.  The communal work and group interaction energizes everyone involved. It’s empowering to see progress being made together.

Roots in Marin County

Our friends join together in prayer and conversation. These gatherings and events are a wonderful way for the Marin County community to get to know the Dominican Sisters of San Rafael. Together, we inspire one another to become messengers to others about a life of service for the sake of the Gospel.

Access your spirituality

In this new century, many feel drawn to the spirituality that feeds a religious life, but are challenged by their career, financial commitments, or personal and family relationships. Becoming a friend lets you easily join the Dominican Sisters community and be part of the vital work.

We look forward to welcoming you in friendship and hope.

Discover more about becoming a friend

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Preachers of  Truth • Love • Justice