
Entering Natural Cathedrals

Entering Natural Cathedrals

Groves of redwoods…are often compared to the naves of great cathedrals: the silence; the green, filtered, numinous light. A single banyan, each with its multitude of trunks, is like a temple or mosque—a living colonnade. But the metaphor should be the other way around.  The cathedrals and mosques emulate the trees. The trees are innately holy.

– Colin Tudge, Secret Life of Trees


Santa Sabina Center will offer an Online Retreat with Sisters Pat Farrell, OP, and Margaret Galiardi, OP: “Body of Buddha, Body of Christ: A Christian Zen Retreat Exploring Deep Ecology.” To learn more and/or register for our online retreats and offerings, please go to:

Preachers of  Truth • Love • Justice