Latest Past Events

Gather @ Grand: We Have Family in Iraq

Dominican Sisters Gathering Space 1520 Grand Avenue, San Rafael

We Have Family in Iraq An evening with Sister Nancy Jurecki, OP and Gloria Escalona, OPL Many of us either know very little about life in Iraq, or have a hard time understanding what has happened there, even though it has been in the news for years. On this evening, you will hear from two

Bible Study: Sister Adele Gerlach and Luke’s Gospel

Dominican Sisters Gathering Space 1520 Grand Avenue, San Rafael

Advent 2018 An Introduction to Luke's Gospel Join Sister Adele Gerlach for a four week bible study course exploring Luke's gospel from a variety of different angles. The course will include a review of text segments from Luke's point of view and understanding of Jesus. It will also explore the socio-political environment in which the

Gather @ Grand

Dominican Sisters Gathering Space 1520 Grand Avenue, San Rafael

  The Spiritual Dimension of Dying Well An inspirational speaker, Bishop Stephen Blaire will reflect on accompaniment at end of life from a Catholic perspective. His presentation will be thought-provoking for those reflecting on their own end of life as well as those accompanying others. Bishop Blaire is a native Californian, born the twelfth of