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Jubilee 2023

Friends and family are invited to virtually join us in a Jubilee Eucharistic Celebration at 10:00 am on Saturday, July 22, 2023. The Mass will be live-streamed from the Gathering Space where the Sisters will gather.
Register here
Jubilee—a wonderful celebration of answering God’s call and entering into vowed religious life and marked at milestone years. The word vocation comes from the Latin word vocare which means to call. Being a Sister is a way of life, pursued in order to live out a baptismal call to be Christ’s hands and feet in the world. Regardless of age, our Sisters are always in ministry in the sense that they always welcome opportunities to live the Gospel in service to others.
Meet Our 2023 Jubilarians
Sr. Bernice Garcia, OP
Ring Motto:
I can do all things in Him who strengthens me.
Reflecting Back:
“My ring motto selection stems from a time when I didn’t know what was ahead of me and knew I needed God’s help. He has guided me in several ministries—I have been a teacher and a principal; I have been a visitor to the homebound; and I served as a Director of Religious Education. What stands out to me as a Dominican Sister of San Rafael is the gift of living in a community of Sisters—they have shared my joys and sorrows. The many people with whom I have ministered have inspired me with their great faith and generosity.”
- St. Angela School, Pacific Grove 1956-58 (Teacher, Grades 5, 6)
- St. Catherine’s Academy, Benicia 1958-59 (Teacher, Grade 3)
- Holy Rosary Elementary, Antioch 1959-62 (Teacher, Grade 4)
- St. Angela School, Pacific Grove 19562-65 (Teacher, Grades 4, 7)
- St. Isabella School, Terra Linda 1965-69 (Principal; Teacher, Grades 7, 8)
- St. John Vianney School, Rancho Cordova 1969-71 (Principal; Teacher, Grade 8)
- St. Isabella School, Terra Linda 1971-73 (Teacher, Grade 7)
- San Joaquin Middle School 1973-75 (Teacher, Grade 7, 8)
- St. Helena Catholic School, Napa 1975-79 (Principal; Teacher, Grade 8)
- St. Michael School, Livermore 1979-85 (Principal, Teacher 5, 7, 8)
- Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Mill Valley 1986-91 (Parish Ministry)
- St. Gabriel Parish, San Francisco 1992-2008 (Director of Religious Education)
Sr. Joan King, OP
Ring Motto:
Caritas (Love)
Reflecting Back:
“I chose my ring motto based on my experience at Dominican College where I learned the power of love, especially through the college president, Sr. Patrick. I have deep gratitude for 70 years in our congregation and for all the ongoing support. I am inspired by our sisters’ commitment to service and the value placed on community. I am grateful for my ministry work in retreats and spiritual direction which I continue to this day.”
- Junipero Memorial High School, Monterey 1953-56 (Teacher, English and Religion)
- Our Lady of Mercy School, Daly City 1956-58 (Teacher, Grade 4)
- Santa Catalina Lower School 1958-64 (Teacher, Grade 7)
- St. Mary’s High School, Stockton 1964-73 (Teacher, History, Religion, English; Dean of Discipline)
- Santa Sabina Center, San Rafael 1973-79 (Director)
- Bristol Pastoral Center, UK 1980-81 (Retreat and Renewal Work)
- La Sainte Union College, UK 1981-82 (Campus Ministry, Retreat and Renewal Work)
- Personal Growth Project 1982-present (Director)
Sr. Rosanne Van Housen, OP
Ring Motto:
In manus tua Domine (In your hands, Lord)
Reflecting Back:
Rosanne is fully retired now and living at Lourdes where her ministry is prayer. She spent her active ministry days as an elementary school teacher, a religious education coordinator, a parish sister, a spiritual director, a member of various charismatic prayer groups and staff member at Santa Sabina Retreat Center.
Rosanne’s grounding in a rich prayer life sustained her. From the days of the Charismatic Prayer movement at USF, Rosanne’s openness to the Spirit was palpable for those who lived with her and for those to whom she ministered.
Rosanne was born and grew up in Yosemite National Park where her love of the wilderness and desire for a deeper prayer life were fostered. As a young teenager, Ansel Adams took her picture on a ski slope in Yosemite. She was also involved in water ballet in her youth. Through her years of serving on the Santa Sabina Retreat Center Staff, she also served on their wilderness retreats. She appreciated the opportunity to receive training as a Spiritual Director in New Mexico. She also supported the Guided Imagery and Music Retreats.
Rosanne was the youngest of the three Van Housen children. Her brother was killed in the Korean War. Her sister Barbara served as a nurse and eventually married Dr. Hombach. Rosanne has stayed in touch with her extended family and has enjoyed visits to Arizona to visit her niece Gretchen and her family as well as welcomed visits from her niece Jane and her family from New York. Both nieces have been to visit Rosanne in recent years at Lourdes. Rosanne oversaw her mother’s care in San Rafael in the final years of her life.
- St. Raphael School, San Rafael 1953-55 (Teacher, Grade 2)
- St. Michael School, Livermore 1955-56 (Teacher, Grade 1)
- St. John the Baptist School, Napa 1956-58 (Teacher, Grade 1)
- St. Raphael School, San Rafael 1958-63 (Teacher, Grade 1 & 2)
- Annunciation School,1963-66 (Teacher, Grade 2)
- St. John Vianney School, Rancho Cordova 1966-70 (Teacher, Grade 3)
- St. Isabella School, Terra Linda 1970-71 (Teacher, Grade 3)
- St. Raphael School, San Rafael 1971-76 (Teacher, Grade 3)
- St. Anne Parish, Lodi 1976-79 (CCD Coordinator)
- St. Luke Parish,1979-82 (Parish Sister)
- Blessed Sacrament Parish, 1982-83 (Pastoral Services)
- St. Dominic Parish, Los Angeles 1983-85 (Sacrament Coordinator)
- St. Patrick Parish, Larkspur 1988-97 (Helping Hands Coordinator)
- St. Raphael School, San Rafael 1992-2003 (Librarian/Tutor/Volunteer)
60 Years
Sr. Judith Kay Campbell, OP
Ring Motto:
Into Your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit.
Reflecting Back:
I was the oldest of five siblings and an extremely inquisitive and curious child. My father was delighted by these characteristics; therefore, we spent a great deal of time just gazing and feeling the natural phenomena that the wondrous Creator had bestowed upon us. I felt very connected to life’s mysteries. The zodiac signs in the Cosmos intrigued me: they had a relationship with the creatures living on Earth. I became awed by how the wondrous Creator kept everything in the Cosmos in their orbits, in harmony.
The phenomena of nature nourished me and enlivened me to live a very spontaneous, vibrant life: therefore, I lived my life like that of a naturalist. John Muir was a wonderful influence; I spent time and absorbed his nature experiences, backpacking in the high Sierras and all along the California Coastal Ranges. Fishing became an important hobby to nurture my awe and wonder, increasing my profound gratitude for our Wondrous Creator. I have loved and continue to enjoy Nature which has developed my contemplative Spirit.
All these experiences opened my desire for a spiritual guide to keep me vulnerable to live life with deep feeling. I was fortunate to meet Kathleen who became my spiritual director. She understood my spirituality was grounded in my lived experience. My director keeps me vulnerable towards my personal transformation. Our working relationship has nurtured and cultivated a phenomenal bond between the Spirit of creation and myself. I can rest patiently and reverently in my inner sanctuary where the creative Spirit dwells and moves my spirit toward creative expression: an art piece, reflective writing, or a poem emerges. These expressions fill my spirit with a fullness of being and I begin to dance… All of me dances inwardly, blithesomely steeped in a fathomless JOY moving my total being toward the fullness of life.
- St. John Vianney School, Rancho Cordova 1964-69 (Teacher, Grade 2)
- St. Isabella School, Terra Linda 1969-70 (Teacher, Grade 1)
- Annunciation School,1970-72(Teacher, Grade 3)
- St. Michael School, Livermore 1972-72 (Teacher, Grade 2)
- Dominican Sisters of San Rafael 1974-80 (Formation Director)
- Sacred Heart Parish 1980-83 (Parish Spiritual Coordinator)
- St. Ignatius College Prep, San Francisco 1981-86 (Director of Community Services)
- Dominican Sisters of San Rafael 1986-88 (Vocations Director)
- Holy Names College, Oakland 1988-89 (Co-Director of Campus Ministry)
- St. Isabella School, Terra Linda 1991-95 (Teacher Aide)
- St. Joseph’s Medical Center, Stockton 2002-06 (Spiritual Services Volunteer; Senior Peer Counseling)
- Our Lady of Lourdes Convent 2006-09 (Prayers Apostolate; Volunteer)
25 Years
Sr. Sally Lowell, OP
Ring Motto:
I will be strength for the journey.
Reflecting Back:
“I have always seen life as a cherished journey, a gift to celebrate and to trust God’s grace in each new day. My ring motto reminds me that it is my daily ‘yes’ and surrender to God’s faithfulness, love, and grace that really matters as I reach out with compassion to and for others. My ring motto continues to surrender in freedom, joy, courage, open hands, and heart to trust the unfolding moments of each day. It is in this surrender that the gift of each day is revealed. My journey of ministry has been and will continue to be a gift to me. From the beginning of my Dominican journey in community, I have been called to preach love, joy, and compassion as the Gospel beckons. I have been encouraged to simply live out the mission and vision statement with awareness of my gifts, talents, and abilities in accompanying others. I have been a teacher, at Saint. Dominic’s Catholic School, San Francisco, and Saint Raphael’s Catholic School in San Rafael, day program instructor at Cedars of Marin, home healthcare aide at L’Arche Tahoma Hope in Tacoma, WA as well as an instructor and job coach at Toolworks in San Francisco and the Bay Area. As I have and will continue to reach out to accompany those God sends me in mission God’s love, truth and grace, and assurance is revealed in my life; a true gift indeed.
“For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your good, not for harm, to give you a future with hope.” —Jeremiah 29:11
As I reflect back on my years as a Dominican Sister of San Rafael I say, what a difference God has made, the gift of community has made, and the overwhelming support and encouragement of the sisters, friends, and my amazing family. The adventures of ministry have made and will continue to be a gift to me and lead me to share the truth and love of the Gospel. What has fulfilled me has been my daily yes to living with hope, serenity, and trust. What sustains me is grounding myself in prayer at the beginning of each day, the gift and encouragement of the sisters, and knowing that I am united in mission with all the sisters. What inspires my actions is God’s grace, faithfulness, and love, and that we are dreaming of the future together with hope. I am also inspired daily by the legacy and wisdom of the sisters and our care for the dignity of others we meet and the ongoing call to serve the critical issues of our times. We are in this Dominican life together.
I am deeply grateful for the encouragement and the gift of community. When I entered, I told my family that I am simply living the stepping stones of faith and they were encouraged but now I have come to see as a gift what living the stepping stones of faith really means. Dominican Life is a journey to be lived and cherished and so I celebrate with joy and carry on.”
- Cedars of Marin 1989-2000 (Instructor)
- St. Dominic School, San Francisco 2000-03 (Teacher)
- St. Raphael School, San Rafael 2003-08 (Teacher)
- Cedars of Marin 2008-18 (Instructor)
- L’Arche Tahoma Hope, Tacoma, WA 2018-22 (Home Healthcare Aide)
- Toolworks (San Francisco Bay Area) 2022-present