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The Beauty Brought by Cataclysm

The Beauty Brought by Cataclysm

The fifth power is cataclysm. Cataclysm is the process by which the universe destroys some of its structures-not only in the sense of accidents that might happen but also as a part of its ongoing emergence. The universe systematically breaks apart particular aspects of itself as a necessary process for ongoing vibrant creativity to continue. In other words, the beauty that has characterized fourteen billion years of existence would not have been possible, so far as science has been able to understand, without the process of cataclysm.

This month Santa Sabina Center’s online retreat is “Grounding Ourselves When There is No Ground: A Buddhist-Christian Perspective on Living in Interesting Times. So this month’s quotes will be related to groundlessness and how we meet the unexpected in our lives.

To learn more about our retreat and/or register, please go to: http://www.santasabinacenter.org/retreats-page

Preachers of  Truth • Love • Justice