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Happy Feast of St. Catherine of Siena

Happy Feast of St. Catherine of Siena

Happy Feast of St. Catherine of Siena

Each year on April 29 we celebrate the Feast Day of St. Catherine of Siena. St. Catherine is a Dominican saint and doctor of the church known as the mystic in the streets. She lived during the 14th century, in a time of great unrest in society and in the church. Though drawn to a deep life of prayer, she found ways to minister to others suffering from the plague, facing imprisonment or execution, and to popes and public officials.

Several of our Sisters chose as their Feast Day, that of St. Catherine of Siena. Learn a bit as to why and what she means to them.

Sr. Karen Marie Franks, OP

Sr. Karen Marie (one of our 70-year Jubilarians) has been the most enthusiastic celebrator of St. Catherine’s Feast Day. Sr. Karen Marie holds the Dominican values of study and prayer in high regard and admires St. Catherine for her commitment to both.

Sr. Katherine (Kit) Hamilton, OP

“St. Catherine of Siena, a remarkable woman of her time, learned through prayer to be aware of and helpful to those who were suffering around her: neighbors who were out of work or had little food to eat, the sick in hospitals, prisoners facing death. She lived out what all Dominicans are called to do: to pray and to bring the wisdom of their praying to others. (Contemplare, contemplata aliis tradere). Her example challenges me each day.”

Sr. Cyndie Cammack, OP

“When I ponder the life of St. Catherine of Siena, the word that most often comes to mind is persistence. From her initial visions and desires in her heart as a child to be bonded to Jesus in prayer to her letters to Popes to help heal the church, she continued in the face of trials: the lack of understanding and punishment of her family, the trials of being a young woman in her time, to the plague, and trying to find her place. She persevered. She remained faithful to her heart’s desire to love God fully and to help others. She found ways to turn everyday chores and busyness into prayer. She is an inspiration to keep putting one foot in front of the other and persist. To do what you are called to do, be who you are meant to be…”

Sr. Cathy Murray, OP

“God is closer to us than water to a fish. I love the witness of Catherine of Siena who expressed so clearly God’s love for us.”

And so we say Happy Feast Day to all!

Authentic Joy

Authentic joy is not a euphoric state or a feeling of being high.

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