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Living in Harmony with the Doe

Living in Harmony with the Doe

“She rose up, watched a moment for any response to her rising, then stretched and stepped out onto the open slope. Beside her, another doe rose up from the shade. The two stood, slightly oblique to one another, divided as the one’s ears had been to listen. They did not look my way, only below into the brushy ravines between shoulders of clear ground.”
– Kim Stafford, “A Walk in Early May,” from Having Everything Right: Essays of Place


Starting on February 11, 2021, Santa Sabina Center will offer an Online Writing Retreat with Kim Stafford: “Speak Beauty to Power.” To learn more and/or register for our online retreats and offerings, please go to: http://www.santasabinacenter.org/retreats-page

Our Origins

“Our origins are of the earth.

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Preachers of  Truth • Love • Justice