
#justiceOPportunity Thursday—January 21, 2021

Sr. Judy Lu McDonnell, OP
Ms. Lyn Kirkconnell

#justiceOPportunity Thursday—January 21, 2021

It’s #justiceOPportunity Thursday and with grateful hearts we are bearing witness to the fact that actions for justice are never in vain. Dominicans across this country have joined together over the years to work on myriad justice issues. Your actions for justice along with ours, have made an impact in many areas of need, including human trafficking, the climate crisis, immigration, and the death penalty. Although it is disheartening when our efforts seem to be in vain, or when success in one area is destroyed by new laws, we never give up making “good trouble,” to quote the late John Lewis.

And so, we take this moment to thank you for all you have done and to highlight some losses in recent years that are being turned into bright lights of justice today with some of yesterday’s 17 Executive Orders by President Biden.

Of note among these include our re-entry into the Paris Climate Accord, our participation once again in the UN World Health Organization, and the cancellation of the Keystone XL Pipeline.  Keep up your actions for justice because, as you know, the words of Eldridge Cleaver are so true: “If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.”

To thank President Biden, send a message here.

Without Trees

To be without trees would, in the most literal way, to be without our roots.

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Preachers of  Truth • Love • Justice