
#justiceOPportunity Thursday—October 1, 2020

Sr. Judy Lu McDonnell, OP
Ms. Lyn Kirkconnell

#justiceOPportunity Thursday—October 1, 2020

It’s #justiceOPportunity Thursday and we invite you to join us making sure your friends and neighbors have all completed their census information. We are fairly sure that most reading this post have already filled out their own census information, and that of their family.  Despite that, we are posting this so that you might share on social media or speak with some neighbors or friends who may have forgotten to comply. As we all know, the census is extremely important for future federal funds for state projects.

Here is what the Census Bureau has posted, including links to images you can download and then post on your Facebook or other social media.  Let’s do all we can during these final days.

The 2020 Census is underway and time is running out to respond. The deadline was extended to October 31 by a Federal Court Judge, but the US Secretary of Commerce, Wilbur Ross, declared in a Tweet on the US Census Bureau’s website that it will end on Oct. 5.  In either case, there is still time to be sure you are counted and to get the word out.

Have you been counted? How about your family members? Community members? Neighbors? Friends? EVERYBODY counts and EVERYBODY must be counted?

The census impacts funding decisions for things like health care, infrastructure, education, and more. We believe that every person counts and critical funding must be fairly distributed among those communities that need it.

You can respond to the 2020 Census online, by phone, or by mail today. Regardless of how you choose to respond, your information will be kept confidential and can only be used to produce statistics. Your responses cannot be used against you in any way. Learn more at

Be sure to check out for more “Count Us In 2020” resources and for a compilation of partner resources.


You can help Spread the Word about the census by sending periodic posts via social media.  Go to the link below and scroll down to see interesting facts and how-to guides to encourage your family and friends to participate in the 2020 Census.  You can download these images and graphics onto your Facebook and/or Instagram accounts by a simple click.

Preachers of  Truth • Love • Justice