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#justiceOPportunity Thursday—July 9, 2020

Sr. Judy Lu McDonnell, OP
Ms. Lyn Kirkconnell

#justiceOPportunity Thursday—July 9, 2020

It’s #justiceOPportunity Thursday, and we are grappling with a few questions. How do we move from fear of the other to embracing the other?  How do we overcome social, political, and cultural differences?  How do we realize that these differences are what unite us and make us strong, not what divide and weaken us?  We may not be the proverbial “melting pot”, but yes, we are a beautiful mixed salad!

Over the past weeks in the U.S., and indeed around the world, light has been shed on the racial inequities that denigrate whole peoples while uplifting and maintaining privileged classes.  How do we challenge both “white privilege” and “white apathy?”  We wish to share a brief 2-page article that contains realities, questions, and suggested answers.  To overcome “white apathy,” we need more than a spoken phrase, more than one action taken.  It is a process that requires looking inward, sharing with others, and moving outward.  It requires changes of hearts and systems.

We invite you to read this article, share it with others, choose your companions on the journey, and take up the challenge to help birth a new tomorrow.

Authentic Joy

Authentic joy is not a euphoric state or a feeling of being high.

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Preachers of  Truth • Love • Justice