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Greeting the Morning with Gratitude

Greeting the Morning with Gratitude

As has been my custom in these blog posts, all of the posts focus on gratitude, for as the Dominican mystic Meister Eckhart once said, “If the only prayer you ever say is ‘Thank you,’ that will be enough.

First thing in the morning, before you meet or greet anyone, remember to greet all of nature, all visible and invisible creatures. Say to them: “I am grateful for your work, I love you and want to be in harmony with you!” At this very moment, in response to your greeting, all of nature will open to you and send you energy for the entire day.

– Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov, Prosveta Publishing

Gardening Together

“We are cultivating a garden together, backs to the sun.

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Preachers of  Truth • Love • Justice