
Engaging Laudato Si’ Chapter 2 Reflection

By Sister Abby Newton, OP


As our country’s political process moves along in these next months, I found in  Laudato Si  some important counsel. The opening paragraphs of Chapter 2 note that “solutions will not emerge from just one way of interpreting and transforming reality” (63).  There has been little dialogue and many invective’s tossed around the debate staAbbyges and town halls of both parties.  No one is engaged in dialogue or even listening.  “The way forward” remains obscure in this climate.  But Pope Francis, recalling the flood narrative of Noah and his menagerie of earth’s creatures, reminds us that “all it takes is one good person to restore hope (71)!!!  We are celebrating Earth Day at St. Joseph’s Medical Center as I write this and I was struck by the multiplicity of ways open to us to take action—which leads us to another, and another, and another—until one day we wake up and realize that a conversion of mind and heart has happened.


What conversions may have occurred in your life?


Click here for the Summary: Chapter 2

Preachers of  Truth • Love • Justice