
Jubilee 2018: Meet Our Jubilarians

Jubilee 2018: Meet Our Jubilarians

On July 21, 2018 at 2:30 pm, St. Raphael Parish will be the location for celebration of the Eucharistic to honor our Jubilarians:

  • Sister Marguerite Stanka   (75 years)
  • Sister Christina Lee   (70 years)
  • Sister Gloria Montanez (60 years)
  • Sister Annette Sheaffer (60 years)

After Mass all are invited to gather at the Dominican Sisters Center for an outdoor reception, complete with delicious refreshments, joyful reunions and fond memories.  The celebration of Jubilee each year affirms our vocations, our lives of ministry, and the love and support of those around us. RSVP your attendance at 415 453-8303

Sister Annette Sheaffer, OP
 Caritas Ring motto

60 years! My heart is full of deep gratitude and joy! Gratitude to God first of all for the gift of my beloved parents and family…they were and are an inestimable gift to me! Gratitude also for all those who have mentored me, ministered with me, supported me and prayed for me over these many years! These years have sped by very quickly. I am thinking of a favorite quote from my dear Therese of Lisieux. She said, “Let us see life as it really is…it is a moment between two eternities.” The older I get, the closer I come, the more I pray to be ready for that eternity to come! I think of another favorite quote of mine, this one from the poet, e.e. cummings: -how fortunate are you and i,whose home is timelessness:we who have wandered down from fragrant mountains of eternal now to frolic in such mysteries as birth and death a day(or maybe even less) I love the word “frolic.” It seems so buoyant, so childlike, so lighthearted and joyous! I praise and thank God for the “frolicking” of these 60 years! I ask your prayers for me and for all of us in religious life that “God who has begun this good work may bring it to perfection!”


Sister Gloria Montanez, OP
Jesu et Maria   Ring Motto


God’s voice rent the air and said, “I’m
your inheritance, your cup of salvation.
Come! Follow me!
to a hallowed place
by an old magnolia tree.
Where after the break of dawn
you’ll sing like a whistling swan;
and fill the world with praise in countless joyous ways.
Come! Eat unleavened bread
Nourish others–so they too can be fed.
Come! Follow me!
Rejoice and be glad!
Don’t drop a tear.
Hold onto your vows–
I’ll be with you each windswept night
and one day swathe you
in sixty crystals–of luminous light!”


Sister Marguerite Stanka, OP


Sister Christina Lee, OP

Contemplate Beauty

Those who contemplate the beauty of the Earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.

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Preachers of  Truth • Love • Justice