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G@G Virtual Film Discussion: White Savior Movies

Two Films: Hidden Figures and To Kill a Mockingbird

As we remember incidents of police brutality and the killings of Oscar Grant, George Floyd, and Breonna Taylor, it’s worth reevaluating how the media we view has perpetuated racist stereotypes and historical inaccuracies while claiming to take on racism.

We can’t keep sweeping issues of racism in America under the rug. Do Black lives really matter? It is time to confront our beliefs about racism.

Our third discussion this season will focus on To Kill a Mockingbird & Hidden Figures on Thursday, January 27, 2022

DOWNLOAD STUDY GUIDEWhite Savior Movie Study Guide 2B

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January 27, 2022
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

1520 Grand Avenue
San Rafael, California 94901